Jerich with Hanaa Oats


  • •       Hanaa Oats Whole Grain

    •       Onions

    •       Chicken broth

    •       Chicken breasts

    •       Cumin

    •       Salt

    •       Yogurt

    •       Water

    •       Corn Oil


  1. Heat corn oil and add onions
  2. Add chicken broth and chicken breasts
  3. Add the cumin and salt.
  4. When the chicken is cooked, add the oats.
  5. Finally add yogurt and water and let it cook for 5 minutes on low heat
  6. Serve hot with fried onions

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Hanaa Coconut Oil

500 ml

Hanaa Coconut Oil

1000 ml

Hanaa Whole Grain Oats
