Tuna Salad


  • •       1 Hanaa canned tuna

    •       Lettuce

    •       Corn

    •       Red beans

    •       Green onion

    •       Pumpkin seeds

    Ingredients of sauce:

    •       2 teaspoon Mayonnaise

    •       1 teaspoon mustard

    •       1 teaspoon sour cream

    •       1 teaspoon pickled cucumber (sweet rice)

    •       2 teaspoon Olive oil

    •       Lemon juice as desired

    •       Salt and black pepper as desired



  1. Mix the ingredients well according to the desired quantity or serve as layers
  2. Lettuce + tuna + corn + tuna + red beans and on top add green onions and pumpkin seeds
  3. Then finalize with the sauce and serve.


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