Tunisian Shakshoukeh


  • •       For 4-5 eggs

    •       A packet of Hanaa chopped tomatoes

    •       Tablespoon of red pepper mashed

    •       Teaspoon of crushed garlic

    •       Chopped onion cubes

    •       Pepper turkey cubes

    •       Teaspoon of crushed caraway

    •       Tablespoon of Salt

    •       Teaspoon of black pepper

    •       3 Tablespoon of Water

    •       3 Tablespoon of Olive Oil



  1. Put oil on the saj and cook the onion on it and then add the herring
  2. Mix Hanaa chopped tomatoes, the peper, the water, the salt and the cumin. And let them get hard for 3 min
  3. Add the eggs and cover the saj according to the desire of leveling.



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